
1.''Sri mata vaishno devi history''!!

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“I believe that whatever comes at a particular time is a blessing from God.”
Mata Vaishno devi story in Hindi: Vaishno Devi is one of the most revered and sacred places of northern India. This temple is famous for its magnificence and beauty due to its location on the hill. Vaishno Devi is also one of the same places that is considered to be the home of the mother. The temple is situated at a distance of 5,200 feet and about 14 kilometers from Katra. Every year millions of pilgrims visit the temple. This is the second most visited religious shrine in India after Tirumala Venkateswara Temple. Although many mythological stories are prevalent in connection with Mata Vaishno Devi but the main 2 stories are more prevalent.

First story of Mata Vaishno Devi

Mata Vaishno devi ki kahani
“Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you’re listening. Playing the piano allows you to do both at the same time.”

According to the statue, once the mountainous mother was pleased with the devotion of one of her most devout devotees, she rescued her shame and gave evidence of her existence to the whole creation. 2 kms from present day Katra town The devotees of Maa Vaishnavi lived in the village of Hansali, situated at a distance of Shreeadhar. He was sad due to being childless. One day he invited the virgin daughters for Navratri worship. Mother Vaishno daughter came in between her daughter. After the worship, all the daughters went away but Mother Vaishno Devi stayed there and said to Sridhar, 'Invite everyone to invite your house bhandare'. Sridhar accepted the suggestion of that divine daughter and conveyed the message of Bhandara in neighboring villages. Gave. While returning from there, he invited me to his other disciples along with Guru Gorakhnath and his disciple Baba Bhairavnath ji. After getting the invitation for food, all the villagers were surprised that she is a girl who wants to have food for so many people? After this, many villagers came to Shridhar's house and gathered for food. Then the daughter-in-law Vaishno Devi started serving food to everyone with a strange character.
While serving food she went to the bride Bhairavnath. Then he said that I would eat meat and eat alcohol instead of kheer puja. Then the daughter-in-law explained to her that this Brahmin food is here, no meat sauce is eaten in it. But Bhairavnath kept himself busy with his point of view. When Bhairavnath wanted to catch the girl, then the mother knew her treachery. Mother changed in air form and flew towards Tricolor Mountain. Bhairavnath also followed them. It is believed that Hanuman was also Pawanpuranta to protect her mother. According to the belief, Hanuman was also with him for the protection of Mother at that time. When Hanumanji was thirsty, on the request of his mother, he lifted an arrow from the bow with a bow and removed his water and washed his hair in that water. Today this holy water channel is known as Banganga, which has got rid of all the exhaustion and troubles of devotees by drinking holy water or bathing with it.
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During this period, Mother entered a cave and practiced for nine months. Bhairavnath also came behind them. Then a sadhu told Bhairavnath that you who are considered to be a daughter, it is Adashakti Jagadamba. So leave the pursuit of that superpower. Bhairavnath did not listen to the sadhu. Then the mother went out on the other side of the cave and made a way out. This cave is famous today as Ardhkumari or Adikudi or Garbajoon. The first step of half-queen's mother is Paduka. This is the place where the mother ran away - she had seen Bhairavnath after running away. The girl came out of the cave and took the form of Goddess. Mother warned Bhairavnath and asked to go back. Still he did not believe it. Mother went inside the cave. Then to guard Mother Hanuman fought with Bhairav ​​outside the cave.
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“Where can we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our own hearts and in every living being.” 
Bhairav ​​did not give up even when Veer Hanuman began to falter, then Mata Vaishnavi took the form of Mahakali and killed Bhairavnath. Bhairavnath's head was dropped in the Bhairav ​​Valley of Trikute Mountain, 8 km from Cuttack Bhawan. The place is known as the temple of Bhaironath. The place where Maa Vaishno Devi slaughtered Bhairavnath was famous as the sacred cave or the building. At this place, Mother Kali (right), Mother Saraswati (middle) and Mama Lakshmi (left) are inseparable in the cave as Pindi. The common form of these three is called the form of mother Vaishno Devi. Some of these devotees and devotees and idols etc. established by the former kings of Jammu and Kashmir, along with these three grand clans. It is said that after his execution, Bhairavnath had repented of his mistake and he beg for forgiveness from his mother.
Mata Vaishno Devi knew that the main intention of Bhairav ​​was to get salvation after attacking them, not only gave Bhairav ​​freedom from the cycle of rebirth, but giving it a boon, said that my philosophy would not be considered as complete , Until a devotee will not see you after me. According to the same belief, even after seeing the devotees of Vaishno Devi, devotees go to the temple of Bhairavnath on a steep climb up to 8 kms. Meanwhile, Vaishno Devi assumed the shape of a rock with three bodies (head) and became meditative forever. Meanwhile Pandit Shridhar became impatient. They proceeded towards the Trikuta Mountains on the same path as they had seen in the dream, finally they reached the door of the cave; they made their daily routine worship of 'Pindo' with many methods, the Goddess was pleased with her worship, Appeared and blessed them. Since then, Shridhar and his descendants have been worshiping Goddess Vaishno Devi.

Other stories of Mata Vaishno Devi

Image result for mata vaishno devi history
“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”

In the Hindu mythology, in the world, due to the loss of religion and the rise of the powers of law, Sat, Raj and three forms of Adashakti, Mahasaraswati, Mahalaxmi and Mahadurga manifested a girl to protect religion with her collective force. This daughter is descended as the daughter of Pandit Ratnakar in Rameshwar, India's southern sea coast in Tretayuga. For many years, childless Ratnakar gave the child the name of Trikuta, but due to the manifestation of Lord Vishnu in the form of Vishnu, it became known as Vaishnavi. When she is about 9 years old, when she knows that Lord Vishnu has also embraced this land as Lord Sriram. Then he considered Lord Shriram as a husband and started harsh persuasion to get them.

When Sriram Sita went to Rameshwar after searching for Sita after Hira. Then saw the medal daughter on the beach. The girl asked Lord Sriram to accept him as his wife. Lord Sriram told the girl that he had married Sita in this birth and took a vow of marriage. I will embrace Kalki in Kikriyalug and accept you as your wife. By that time, you go to the Himalaya range of Trikuta Mountain and do the recitation and keep on doing good to the world by destroying the sufferings and sorrows of the devotees. When Shri Ram conquered Ravana, then the mother decided to do Navaratri. Therefore, in the above context people recite the Ramayana in the nine days of Navratri. Shri Rama had promised that the praise of Mother Vaishno Devi will be sung by all the world, Trikuta will be known as Vaishno Devi and will be immortal forever.

Sri mata vaishno devi history video:-

2.''how improve leadership skills in our life''!!

''how improve leadership skills in our life''!!

How to build the next generation of IT leaders
one leadership study, qualities such as assertiveness, adaptability, intelligence and conscientiousness were cited as the most important leadership skills. Research clearly shows that transformational leaders – leaders who are positive, inspiring, and who empower and develop followers – are better leaders. They are more valued by followers and have higher performing teams.

"how to improve leadership skills"!!

1. Have a clear vision

Take the time to share your vision, your mission and your goals with your team. Your job as a leader is to provide a clear path that your team can follow. Your team also must understand why the goals you have set are valuable to them. Take the time to explain to them, in detail, why and how your vision will not only improve the business, but how it will benefit them in return. Include your team in your strategic planning sessions, ask for feedback and get them to “buy into” your vision for the future of the company.
2. Know and utilize your strengths and gifts.
You have unique gifts and natural leadership skills that you were born with and personal strengths you’ve developed over your lifetime. Realizing and utilizing these gifts and strengths will assist you in being a formidable leader.
3. Be Passionate
This is one of the most important leadership skills. Would you look to someone for guidance and leadership if they did not truly care about the goals of the group? Of course not! Great leaders are not just focused on getting group members to finish tasks; they have a genuine passion and enthusiasm for the projects they work on. Start by thinking of different ways that you can express your zeal. Let people know that you care about their progress. When one person shares something with the rest of the group, be sure to tell them how much you appreciate such contributions.
4. Live in accordance with your morals and values.
Making choices and taking actions out of accordance with your morals and values leaves you with a nagging “bad” feeling. This feeling seeping in from your subconscious mind hinders your success in your career and your relationships. On the other hand, making choices and taking actions aligned with your morals and values helps you succeed almost effortlessly as key leadership skills. People sense integrity and will naturally respect your opinion and leadership.
5. Serve as a role model
The best leaders walk the walk and talk the talk. As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviors. If you want to become a better leader, work on modeling the qualities that you would like to see in your team members.
6. Set definitive goals and follow concrete action plans
You have to know where your destination is before you can map out a plan to get there. To improve your leadership skills, first set specific life goals with appropriate timelines. Design your goals by moving backwards from the end of your life to the present week. Then, formulate action plans you can commit to that will get you to where you want to be.

7. Maintain a positive attitude.
No one respects a grumpy or negative person. With a positive attitude you are looking at the bright side of life. People are naturally attracted to you when you have a positive attitude. By being positive, you will lead a happier life, as well as be surrounded by other positive people. You will also magically attract exciting offers and possibilities.
8. Improve communication skills.
Having great leadership skills includes your being able to clearly and specifically communicate your vision, goals, skills, intentions, and expectations to others. This also includes your ability to listen to what other people are consciously or unconsciously communicating. To become a great communicator, continually strive to improve your verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills.
9. Motivate others to greatness.
The greatest leaders are those who include everyone in their sphere of influence by recognizing each person’s greatest value. To be one of these leaders, look beyond the obvious and see others with insight and compassion. Many of history’s greatest leaders have admitted that they rose to the top because another leader recognized and harnessed their potential.
10. Be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses.
Face it – No one is perfect, and everyone has made a mistake or two in their lives! The most successful leaders know that the key to success is not in avoiding falling or failing, but to learn from their mistakes. As a strong leader, you will also be able to communicate your weaknesses to your team, so that you and your team can appoint someone who excels at that particular task or activity.
11. Continue to educate and improve yourself.
Great leaders demonstrate effective leadership skills, but most importantly, continue to improve themselves in every possible way. The person who thinks he is an expert, has a lot more to learn. Never stop learning. Be receptive to everyone’s perceptions and information from around the world and beyond. Always grow and learn.

''how improve leadership skills Video:-
