Unknown Interesting facts about Vijayanagara empire: Everyone should know.

Unknown  Interestingfacts about Vijayanagara empire: Everyone should know.
  • Vijayanagara empire was founded by Hariharan and bukka in the year AD 1336.
  • Hampi was the capital of Vijayanagara empire. Hampy is also known as kambla or city of ruins.
  • Varaham was the coin of Vijayanagara empire.
  • Vijayanagara empire was situated along the banks of river tungabhadra.
  • There were 4 Dynasties in Vijayanagara empire. They are::-
  1. Sangama dynasty.
  2. Saluva dynasty.
  3. Tuluva dynasty.
  4. Aravidu dynasty.
  • Sangama dynasty was foun
  •  by vera Narasimha Raya.
  • Aravidu dynasty was founded by Thirumala Devaraya.
  • Among the kings from all these dynasties, Krishna Deva Raya of Tuluva dynasty is considered as the most powerful. Thenali Raman was the comedian of his court.
    The famous Vijayanagara empire lost its strength and fame in the Tollicode war. Tollicode war is also known as Indian Waterloo war. Unesco made Humpi a world heritage site in 1986.
  • ded by Hariharan and bukka.
  • Saluva dynasty was founded by Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya.
  • Tuluva dynasty was founded by vera Narasimha Raya.
  • Aravidu dynasty was founded by Thirumala Devaraya.
Among the kings from all these dynasties, Krishna Deva Raya of Tuluva dynasty is considered as the most powerful. Thenali Raman was the comedian of his court.
The famous Vijayanagara empire lost its strength and fame in the Tollicode war. Tollicode war is also known as Indian Waterloo war. Unesco made Humpi a world heritage site in 1986.
